Handling Announcements Differently

Last Sunday, instead of making announcements at the beginning of the service, we showed them on overhead slides.

The reason was simply to streamline our services so we can smoothly move from the 8 a.m. to the 9 a.m. service and then 10 a.m. Sunday school.

The PowerPoint overhead announcements seemed to work. There was no invasion of worship space and time; there was no disruption from the prelude to the Gathering of the service; and folks could catch what they missed by reviewing the slides at the end of the service.

I have heard no negative comments and have heard several positive. I would be interested in hearing what others think.

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One response to “Handling Announcements Differently

  1. LV

    Personally, I would rather hear the announcements. I never considered it an invasion of worship time, but rather nice to hear the announcements delivered by the Pastor. Several things are “streamlined” and that can sometimes feel like a void in the service: one reading rather than two, a shortened, sometimes rushed Communion Liturgy – taking the additional few minutes for these is meaningful to many people.

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